Y Gronfa Ddymuniadau - The Wish Fund

Y Gronfa Ddymuniadau - The Wish Fund


Raised so far

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Y Gronfa Ddymuniadau

Helpwch ni i greu eiliadau hudolus i blant a phobl ifanc â chyflyrau sy’n cyfyngu ar fywyd ac sy’n bygwth bywyd, a’u teuluoedd.

Mae’r Gronfa Ddymuniadau yn helpu’r gwasanaeth Gofal Lliniarol Pediatrig i greu atgofion parhaol i’r plant, y bobl ifanc a’r teuluoedd y maent yn eu cefnogi. Gall hyn gynnwys:

  • trefnu gweithgareddau arbennig i wneud atgofion megis gweithgareddau grŵp a theithiau diwrnod i'r teulu
  • darparu teganau a deunyddiau celf a chrefft ar gyfer ein gwasanaeth chwarae therapiwtig i helpu plant a phobl ifanc i brosesu a deall yr hyn y maent yn ei brofi
  • darparu llyfrau cydymdeimlad personol a Tedi Bêr Byddwch yn Ddewr ar gyfer brodyr a chwiorydd.

Mae’r Gronfa Ddymuniadau hefyd yn darparu mentrau llesiant ychwanegol a gwasanaethau i’r teulu cyfan.

Mae hyn i gyd y tu hwnt i wariant craidd y GIG.

Bydd unrhyw swm a rowch i'r Gronfa Ddymuniadau, ni waeth pa mor fawr neu fach, yn gwneud gwahaniaeth mawr!

I gael gwybod mwy, neu am ffyrdd eraill o gefnogi’r Gronfa Ddymuniadau, cysylltwch â ni dros y ffôn ar 01267 239815 neu drwy e-bost yn: [email protected]

Diolch am eich cefnogaeth!

Rydym ar y cyfryngau cymdeithasol:

The Wish Fund

Help us create magical moments for children and young people with life-limiting and life-threatening conditions and their families.

The Wish Fund helps the Paediatric Palliative Care service to create lasting memories for the children, young people and families they support. This may involve:

  • arranging special activities to make long-lasting memories such as group activities and family day trips
  • providing toys and arts and crafts materials for our therapeutic play service to help children and young people process and understand what they are experiencing
  • providing personalised condolence books and Be Brave Teddy Bears for siblings.

The Wish Fund also provides additional well-being initiatives and services for the whole family.

All of this is above and beyond core NHS expenditure.

Any amount you donate to the Wish Fund, no matter how big or small, will make a big difference!

To find out more, or for other ways to support the Wish Fund, please contact us by telephone on 01267 239815 or by email at: [email protected]

Thanks for your support!

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